Quality Assurance Consulting Services

- 3rd Party Audit services as well as subsequent gap analyses (in Canada and Out-of-Country For Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) inspections to ensure that relevant Health Canada requirements are met for all types of pharmaceutical products such as active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), over-the-counter (OTC) drug products, excipients, and natural health products (NHPs).
Development and Implementation of GMP Compliant Quality Systemskkk
- Prepare and maintain Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
- Host compliance (GMP) inspections by FDA and Health Canada
- Product release as Quality Control
- Manage finished product release and stability testing
- Prepare and maintain product technical dossiers
- Ongoing Quality Control and Quality Assurance Services
- Prepare Technical Quality and Pharmacovigilance Agreements
- Prepare and maintain Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for importers, distributors and wholesalers including GAP analysis for firms with existing SOPs.
- Host or assist with Regulatory (Compliance) Health Canada Inspections (DEL, MDEL, GMP, GVP, API) from Start to Close-out
Host or assist with other Inspections/Audits from Start to Close-out
- Third Party (Supplier)
- Internal (Self-Inspections)
- Preparation of Finished Product Specifications to comply with Health Canada requirements and handle future method validation and testing of product based on the specifications
Design and implement Stability Studies program
- to establish shelf life of the product
- for continuing stability program for existing and new drugs
- for thermal cycling studies to support temperature excursions from labelled storage conditions
- Deviation and CAPA management
- Master Production Documentation review, approval and maintenance including process validations, method validations, batch production records, etc.
- Generate Annual Product Quality Reviews (APQR) and/or review of APQR for accuracy and evaluate subsequent CAPA requirement
Customized Training Services
- For a new startup to train personnel (including technical, maintenance, cleaning, warehouse, production line and quality staff)
- For continuing annual GMP training program
- Managing Product Recalls including Health Hazard Evaluation and recall classification
- Complaint Handling and Management
Pharmacovigilance and Post-Market Surveillance
- Establish and implement procedures to receive and analyze Adverse Event (AE)
- Submit and maintain Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR), Adverse Reaction (AR) and Incident reports records
- ADR/AR evaluation for seriousness and reportability
- Facilitate filing of ADR and Incident reports to Canada Vigilance Program
- Prepare annual summary reports (ASRs) and issue-related summary reports
- Conduct literature scans, signal detection, identification of trends
- Prepare, host or provide support for Health Canada Good Pharmacovigilance Practices (GVP) Inspections
- Site Reference File
Temperature mapping and validation of
- Shipping Containers
- Transportation Vehicles
- Storage Areas
- Transportation Validation Studies of shipping routes for supply chain of regulated products
Qualification of
- Coolers (IQ/OQ/PQ)
- Freezers (IQ/OQ/PQ)
- Incubators (IQ/OQ/PQ)
- Clean rooms (ISO 7 and ISO 8)