Stability and Shelf Life Testing

Shelf life claims such as “expiration” and “best by” dates must be backed by reliable data to meet the requirements of food industry stakeholders. Eurofins Experchem Laboratories Inc works with our customers to create a shelf life study plan that meets the needs of each unique product and timeline. Multiple state-of-the-art stability chambers provide a variety of options for specific temperatures and humidity levels allowing true customization of each study. Summary and commentary on the shelf life data by our scientific specialists assist with data interpretation.
Shelf-Life Testing Components:
- Active Ingredients: Degradation of vitamins, nutraceutical compounds, and other unstable compounds, as well as loss or gain of moisture
- Microbiology: Food quality & safety
- Rancidity: Oxidation of fats & oils
- Organoleptic: Monitoring of color, texture, aroma, packaging, and/or taste as the product ages
Relevant products:
- Animal Feed
- Dairy Products
- Dietary Supplements
- Food Additives and Ingredients
- Human Feed
- Packaged and Frozen Food
- Pet Feed
- Produce and Juice Products
Specific Analyses:
We offer six standard conditions for shelf-life testing: Frozen (-15°C), Refrigerated (5°C), Ambient (25°C/60%RH), Intermediate (30°C/65%RH), Accelerated (40°C/75%RH), and Tropical (30°C/75%RH). Other conditions may also be accommodated upon request.