Food Authenticity Testing

Food authenticity and food adulteration have long been a subject of concern with consumers and producers. Problems with dilution, mislabeling, and partial or complete substitution of expensive ingredients are not infrequent practices and can inflict substantial damage on the companies involved.
As an industry leader in authenticity testing, Eurofins Experchem Laboratories Inc. in Canada provides the latest methods and testing services for the detection of adulterants in products such as honey, olive oil and fruit juice. Our scientists maintain up-to-the-minute expertise in emerging food adulteration hazards and trends. From ingredient verification to adulteration detection and innovative analytical solutions, we are your partner in protecting the purity of your ingredients and supply chain.
Targeted & Non-Targeted Approach:
- Organic acids profiling
- Sugar profiling
- Polyphenols and Anthocyanins fingerprint
- Oligosaccharide profile by Capillary Gas Chromatography to detect the addition of insulin syrup, invert sugar and HFCS addition
- Isotopic analysis
- Patulin
- Mineral profile
- Artificial color scan
- Pesticides residues
- Heavy Metals
Eurofins Experchem utilizes both SIRA (Stable Isotope Ratio Analysis) and a unique tool, SNIF-NMR (Site-Specific Natural Isotope Fractionation-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance), both of which are fast and effective methods in identifying atypical profiles.